Tracking Number
per item
If you want to get a Tracking number to your Order you must add this listing to your cart.
Normal orders will be sent by 1st class Royal Mail. Adding this to your order will mean it is sent by Royal Mail Recorded Signed For which includes a tracking number and will need to be signed for on arrival.
The shipping costs of all items DO NOT include a tracking number to reduce the costs for customers
This is Not an express mail option. The international shipping takes about 1-3 weeks
Normal orders will be sent by 1st class Royal Mail. Adding this to your order will mean it is sent by Royal Mail Recorded Signed For which includes a tracking number and will need to be signed for on arrival.
The shipping costs of all items DO NOT include a tracking number to reduce the costs for customers
This is Not an express mail option. The international shipping takes about 1-3 weeks